Workaround (video still) 2023, 10 minutes 49 seconds, videographer, editor: Jade Muratore, colourist: Julien Chichignoud,
Cast: Fahmida Haque, Meri Olic, Victoria Williams | Firstdraft (18 August - 8 September 2023)

Workaround (2020), 24 matboards cut at 210 x 290mm, untreated ply, installation dimensions variable
Lemonade, PARI, curated by Kalanjay Dhir, Namika Parajuli, Tian Zhang | LINK TO ARTWORK TEXT

Site as Situation (2020), vinyl decal, glass window, the audience (explicit and implicit), dimensions variable
Test Sites, Public Art Project Development grant, City of Melbourne, facilitated by Arie Rain-Glorie.

Not just a place to rest my head (all the bedrooms I have lived in one - 20), (2017 – ongoing)
artist book, paper, untreated pine, 20cm x 28cm LINK TO TEXT | The Collector’s Item, Parramatta Artist Studios

When I’m away from my desk, I put a note on my computer asking people to call my mobile with any urgent tasks,
so far, no one has called
(2021) | installation view

Doing(while)/not doing (2020), ink on paper, 42cm x 59cm

52 commas (2019), Countess Report (Elvis Richardson, Amy Prcevich, Miranda Samuels), bronze, patina.
Borrowed Scenery, Campbelltown Arts Centre, curated by Jasmine KeanBorrowed Scenery installation view
Campbelltown Arts Centre 2019 photographed with Joan Ross It felt as if I was surrounded by fur (2005), I promise (2005),
I was trying hard not to say anything (2005), Gina getting dressed (2004), There was hope (2005),
It had seemed like a good day (the peacock) (2005). Photo by Document Photography.

Amy Prcevich, in collaboration with an unidentified library user whose highlighted lines in RMIT University’s
copy of John Updike’s Just Looking: Essays on Art, formed the character “THEY” in  ‘Just looking’: a play in one act’ (2017)
paper, untreated pine, play, contract. LINK TO SCRIPT.

We are beginning to develop new linguistic relationships to each other (infinity artwork) (2017 - ongoing)
text, Internet, LINK TO WORK

This is a block of text that will have the effect of making the audience look up and take a step back (2017)
vinyl decal, wall, participants willing and implicit, dimensions variable
(un)divided attention, Wellington Street Projects, curated by Stephanie Berlangieri.